Thursday, February 25, 2021

Breathing and Exchange of Gases NEET MCqs | Part 1

Breathing and Exchange of Gases 


Class 11 (Part 1)

1. Emphysema is a ________ a) cardiovascular deisease b) pulmonary diseace c) neural disease d) renal disease

Answer : b) Pulmonary Disease

2. The brown coloured pigment formed from haemoglobin by oxidation of ferrous to ferric state is................

A)Myoglobin B)Methanoeglobin C)Methaeglobin D)Phaeoglobin
Answr: c)Methaeglobin Expl: small amount of Methaeglobin is always present in blood,toxic agents like nitrate and nitrite convert large amount of haemoglobin into methaeglobin.

3. The cells which do not respire 1.epidermal cells 2.sieve cells 3.cortical cells 4.erythrocytes Answer: erythrocytes

4. when proteins are used for respiration,it is known as........... A)Aleuro respiration B)Protoplasmic respiration C)Ribosomal respiration D)Floating resoiration
Answr: b)Protoplasmic repsiration

5. The oxygen storing pigment found in Red muscle Fibre is...... A)Methaeglobin B)Haemoglobin C)Rhodoglobin D)Myoglobin
Answr: d)Myoglobin Expl: Myoglobin has high affinity to O2,it passes oxygen from blood to mitochondria directly.

6. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They do not collapse even after forceful expiration, because of
A. expiratory reserve volume B. inspiratory reserve volume C. residual volume D. tidal volume
Answer: residual volume Explanation: The volume of air remaining in the lungs even after a forcible expiration is called as residual volume. Therefore, the correct answer is option is C.

7. What is the Value of ERC and TLC?
A).1200ml and 5100ml B).1500ml and 1100ml C)1100ml and 1500ml D).1100ml and 5800ml Ans : D( because the ERV is a extra volume of air a person can expire by a forceful Expiratiom And TLC is a total volume of air in lungs and the Respiratory passage after a maximum Inspiration) ERV ranges from 1000 - 1100 ml TLC ranges from 5100 - 5800ml.

8. Normal breathing in humans is_a_ breathing while forceful breathing is _b_ breathing.
1. a-Thoracic, b-Abdominal 2. a-Abdominal, b-Thoracic 3. b-Thoracic, a-Diaphramatic 4. Both 2 & 3 ANS. (4) Normal breathing is Abdominal breathing while forceful breathing is thoracic breathing which involves Diaphragm and internal intercostal muscles.Abdominal breathing is also called diaphragmatic breathing.

9. Which of the following does not shift the oxygen dissocuation curve to the right ?
a) increase in 2,3BPG b) increase in temperature c) increase in co2 d) increase in PH ANS : OPT D increase in PH EXP: The increase in PH increases heomoglobin affinity for o2 through the bohr effect helps pick o2 entering your blood from your lungs so it can be transported to tissues

10. Hiccups can be best described as A)forceful sudden expiration B)forceful contractions of intercostal muscles during deep breath C) vibration of the soft palate during breathing while sleeping D) Jerky incomplete inspiration Ans:D Exp:Hiccups is an involuntary contration of the diaphragm that may repeat several times per minute. It is also known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter SDF
11. A person named X was a poor guy so he was looking for a good job . He got a job in iron smelting , refining industry.his boss is a kanjan so he didn't give any precautions and protective equipments . What kind of disorder will X be suffering from
A)black lung disease B)rhinitis C) smeltingosis D)siderosis Answer : D Siderosis - it is a occupational disorder which occurs due to deposition of iron particles in lung tissues

12. Which of the following is incorrect ?
A) Asthma is due to inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles B) The role of oxygen in the regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite significant . C) In Emphysema ,alveolar walls are damaged due to which respiratory surface is decreased. D) Lower temperature at alveoli favours formation of oxyhaemoglobin.
Answer: Option-B The role of oxygen in the regulation of respiratory rhythm is quite insignificant.

13. The oxygen dissociation curve in case of haemoglobin is sigmoid if it is myoglobin then the curve will be..........
1) straight line 2) parabola 3) rectangular hyperbola 4) hyperbola ANS: 4) HYPERBOLA

14. SARS is caused by variant of
1.pneumonococcus pneumonia 2.common coldby Corona virus 3.asthma 4.bronchitis Answer: common cold by Corona virus

15. To generate pressure gradients to facilitate expiration and inspiration human body uses the intercostal muscles and ______ [KPMT 2014]
a) Alveolar sacs b)bronchi c) diaphragm d)trachea Ans C) NCERT 🤩diaphragm is present below lungs and separates thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity ,it's up and down movement assist in expiration and inspiration during breathing

16. 100ml of oxygenated blood can carry about _ml of oxygen.
a) 5ml
c) 20ml
d) 10ml.
Answer is option c .Because 100ml of blood carries 20ml of oxygen, under normal physiological conditions 25percent of oxygen is delivered to tissues so 25percent of 20ml is 5ml ie it delivers 5ml of oxygen to tissues and carry 20ml of oxygen

17. Which vertebrate organ receives only oxygenated blood..?
1 .spleen 2.liver 3.lungs 4.gills Ans:Spleen It recieves oxygenated blood from heart through splenic doesnt play any role in purification or respiration.

18. Carbon dioxide CO2 entering erythrocytes reacts with water 💦 to form carbonic acid. The enzyme involved in is??
a) carboxypeptidase b)carbonic anhydrase c)Hydrolyase d) oxidoreductase Ans:b) carbonic anhydrase,an enzyme present in RBC's.

19. Which of the following is not a characteristics features of respiratory surface?
a) should be semipermeable to respiratory gases b) should be extremely thin and kept moist c) surface area must be very large and richly supplied with blood vessels. d) should be in direct contact with the environment Ans:- a) should be semipermeable to respiratory gases Explanation: Should be permeable to respiratory gases

20. Vital capacity of lung is equal ____________
OPTIONS : (A) IRV+ERV+TV (B) IRV+ERV+TV_RV (C) IRV+ERV+TV+RV (D)IRV+ERV ANSWER: (A) IRV+ERV+TV EXPLAIN : Maximum volume of air a person can breaths in after a forced expiration VC= IRV+ERV+TV

21. Total no.of lobes in lungs _______and no.of alveoli______.
a.5 , 30 Million b.5 , 300 Million c.19 , 30 Million d.19 , 300 Million Ans ...b.5 , 300 Million Explanation..right lobe has 3 division they are anterior, posterior,azygous...left lobe has 2 division they are anterior and posterior ..and no . Of alveoli is 300 Million

22. ____ lies in front of esophagus.
(a) Trachea (b) Glottis (c) Larynx (d) Epiglottis Answer: (a) Trachea

23. RBC's transport both O2 and CO2. Then how many percent of O2 and CO2 are not carried by it respectively?
a)3% & 70% b)97% & 20-25% c)3% & 75-80% d)3% & 7% Ans:(c)3% & 75-80% NCERT 11--Pg-274 top. Guys, for these type of questions we've to know all the 5 numeric percent. Particularly for this short lesson theory is quite easy to make but twisted numeric value is confusing at exam hall. so prepare a chart!

24. The Co2 content by volume ,in the atmospheric air is about
(1) 3.34% (2) 4% (3) 0.0314 (4) 0.34 Ans is (3)

25. Tidal volume and expiratory reserve volume of an athlete is 500 ml and 1000 ml respectively what will be his expiratory capacity if the residual volume is 1200ml?
A.1700 B.2200 C.2700 D.1500 Ans:1500 ml Expiratory capacity=TV+ERV=500+1000=1500

26. Right lung have three lobes Left lung has two lobes how many segments are present in right and left lungs respectively....
1)8,6 2)10,8 3)12,10 4)6,4 ANS: 2)10,8

27. Approximately 70 percent of co2 absorbed by the blood will be transported to the lungs
Or The major fraction of co2 released during cellular respiration is transported by the blood to the lung cappillaries A) In combination with haemoglobin B) as free co2 C) as carbonic acid or H2CO3 D) In the form of bicorbanate ions or HCO3-.
Ans: D

28. Amount of air inspired or expired during normal breathing is
A. 4.5 lt B. 3.5 lt C. 1.5 lt D. 0.5 lt Ans:d Tidal volume approximately 500 ml

29. Bulk of co2 released from body tissues into blood is present as
a)carboamino haemoglobin in RBCs b)bicarbonate in blood plasma and RBCs c)70 percent carboamino haemoglobin and 30 as bicarbonate d)free co2 in plasma ans;b) bicarbonate in plasma and RBCs

30. Select the option that represents respiratory part of respiratory passage
a)larynx b)trachea c) terminal bronchioles d)alveolar sacs Ans:d(rest all are conducting part, where as d in respiratory part)

31. Which of the given cartilage of larynx are paired??
a) epiglottis b) arytenoid c) thyroid d) cricoid Ans. b The laryngeal skeleton is nine cartilages: the thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, epiglottis, arytenoid cartilages, corniculate cartilages, and cuneiform cartilages. The first three are unpaired cartilages, and the last three are paired cartilages.

32. The gas making most stable combination with Rbc Heamoglobin is........
A)O2 B)Co2 C)Co D)N2 Ans: c)CO Expl: Hb has 30 times more affinity to O2 than CO2, on the other hand it has 300 times more affinity to CO than O2,and form Carboxyhaemoglobin a more stable compound.

33. Read the following statements and choose the correct option .
STATEMENT A: in emphysema ,the surface area of gaseous exchanged is reduced. STATEMENT B: due to excessive smoking the walls of alveoli are damaged (1) both statements are correct (2) both statements are incorrect (3) only statement A is incorrect (4) only statement B is incorrect ANS IS (2)

34. Pco2 of pulmunory vein & systemic vein?
a)45&45mm hg b)40&45 c)45&40 d)32&95 Ans:option b

35. Which of the following is occupational respiratory disorders ?
A) SILICOSIS.. B) ASBESTOSIS ,PNEUMOCONIOSIS.. C) SHIGELLOSIS .. D) BOTH A and B Ans : Both A and B.. Reason : Long exposure of workers in coal mining and cotton industry lead to proliferation of fibrous connective tissue in lungs.. Cause FIBROSIS.

36. when we look chest scan which looks black🙂
a. Bones b. Diaphragm c. Fat and soft tissues d. Lungs Answer. Lungs😀 Explanation: Calcium in your bones absorbs most x-rays,so bones will look quite white in an x-ray image. Fat and soft tissues looks gray in colour. Air absorbs the least amount of radiation,so lungs look to be almost black.

37. In which of the following mammalian organs lacks its own muscles?
a. Heart
b. Liver c. Lungs d. None of the above. Ans: C. ( The lungs have no skeletal muscles of their own. The work of breathing is done by diaphragm, the muscles between ribs ( intercostal muscles) and abdominal muscles.)

38. If your pet dog lived at atmospheric pO2=150mmHg and exhibited arterial pO2=100mmHg and tissues pO2 =10mmHg, you would expect the dog to -
A) die B) accumulate CO2 C) have serious but nonlethal O2deficit. D) function normally. Answer=D

39. Which gas has extremely high affinity with haemoglobin?
A. Carbon dioxide B.Carbon monoxide C.oxygen D.Nitrogen dioxide
Ans: B. Carbon monoxide It has high affinity with haemoglobin and bound to it strongly. Then any gas can't bind to it. So,it reduces oxygen supply. Then a person may be dead. This is called as' carbon monoxide poison'

40. Blood analysis of a patient reveals an unusually high quantity of carboxyhaemoglobin content. Which of the following conclusions is most likely to be correct? The patient has been inhaling polluted air containing unusually high content of
a) carbon monoxide b) chloroform c) carbon dioxide d) carbon Disulphide ANSWER: a) Carbon monoxide REASON: Carbon monoxide combines with Hb far more readily than O2 (CO has about 200 times greater affinity for Hb as compared to O2 ), forming a relatively stable compound carboxyhaemoglobin. This causes low supply of O2 to the body cells leading to headache, nausea, dizziness, paralysis and even death.

41. The Alveolar Epithelium is
(A) Non Ciliated Columnar (B) Non Ciliated Squamous (C) Ciliated Columnar (D) Ciliated Squamous ANSWER IS OPTION (B) Alveolar epithelium is Non Ciliated squamous

42. Which of the following is not an occupational respiratory disorder?
A) Silicosis B) Asbestosis C) Babesiosis D) Fibrosis Answer : Option - C Because Babesiosis is an protozoan disease

43.Inability to breathe in a horizontal position is...
A) cyanosis B)Asphisis C)Orthopnea D) Apnea
Answer...(C) Orthopnea

44. The difference in the no of iron atoms of Haemoglobin and myoglobin is.....
A)2 iron atoms B)1 iron atoms C)4 iron atoms D)3 iron atoms Ans: d)3 iron atoms
Expl: 1Hb molecule contains 4Fe atoms in its structure, whereas 1Myoglobin contains 1Fe atom in its structure,therefore the diff is 3

45. Haemoglobin is
Options: a) vitamin b) skin pigmentation c) blood carrier d) Respiratory pigment
Answer*: d) Respiratory pigment

46. 100ml of deoxygeneted blood delivers how many co2 to the alveoli..??
A.4litre B.4ml C.5litre D.5ml

47. Thickening of alveolar and capillary membranes blocks gases exchange,this results in........
A)Silicosis B)Pnemothroax C)cyanosis
Ansr: D)Berylliosis

48. The highest recorded sneeze speed is
1.165km/hr 2.190km/hr 3.150km/hr 4.140km/hr
Answer: 165km/hr

49. What is pleurisy??
a) inflammation of alveoli b) fibrosis in alveoli c) inflammation of pleural membrane
d) another name for bends disease

Ans: c

50. The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right by an increase in ______.
(a) H+ concentration (b) PCO2 (c) temperature (d) All of these
Answer. d) all of these


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